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Glassfish Interview Questions and Answers

Question: How to start and stop database server through Glassfish?
A database server is not started by default when you start the GlassFish Server domain. If your applications require a database back end, you must start and stop the database server manually.
The following procedures describe how to start and stop the Java DB server that is bundled with GlassFish Server. For information about starting and stopping other database servers, see the documentation for your specific product.

To Start the Java DB Server
At least one GlassFish Server domain must be started before you start the database server.
Run the asadmin start-database command.
The general form for the command is as follows:
as-install/bin/asadmin start-database --dbhome directory-path
For example, to start the Java DB server from its default location:
as-install/bin/asadmin start-database --dbhome as-install-parent/javadb
To Stop the Java DB Server
Run the asadmin stop-database command:
as-install/bin/asadmin stop-database
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